Many websites have information on the nutritional value of various feeder insects. However, most of them are not back up by scientific research, some even alter the nutritional information of certain feeder insects to promote their product. These unreliable sources often mislead pet owners and ultimately cause harm to their pets. Here we compiled nutritional analysis data from peer-reviewed scientific publications that compare the macronutrient between popular feeder insects to provide pet owners a reliable source of information (Table 1).
Table 1. Macronutrient analysis of popular feeder insects. All percentages presented are calculated based on their wet weight. Data from wet weight is more reliable because your pets are eating live insects, which are in essence “wet”.
Further readings:
- Finke, M. D. 2002. Complete nutrient composition of commercially raised invertebrates used as food for insectivores. Zoo Biology 21:269–285.
- Finke, M. D. 2012. Complete Nutrient Content of Four Species of Feeder Insects. Zoo Biology 32:27–36.
- Hayes, S. E., J. B. McClintock, C. J. Watson, and D. R. Watson. 1992. Growth, energetics and food conversion efficiency during the last larval stadium of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta ). Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology I:395–399.
- Hopley, D. 2016. The evaluation of the potential of Tenebrio molitor, Zophobas morio, Naophoeta cinerea, Blaptica dubia, Gromphardhina portentosa, Periplaneta americana, Blatta lateralis, Oxyhalao duesta and Hermetia illucens for use in poultry feeds.
- Koutsos, L., A. Mccomb, and M. Finke. 2019. Insect Composition and Uses in Animal Feeding Applications: A Brief Review. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 112:544–551.
- Kulma, M., V. Plachý, L. Kouřimská, V. Vrabec, T. Bubová, A. Adámková, and B. Hučko. 2016. Nutritional value of three Blattodea species used as feed for animals. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 25:354–360.
- Oonincx, D. G. A. B., and E. S. Dierenfeld. 2011. An Investigation Into the Chemical Composition of Alternative Invertebrate Prey. Zoo Biology 15:1–15.
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