About Us

HappyLittleGuys is a small family owned business that started in Houston after our bearded dragon, Daisy, came into our lives. When we received her, she was small, skinny and weighed only 9 grams. She also had a tail rot and was very weak. Because of her rough start in life, we wanted the best for her and spent many hours looking for high-quality feeder insects. However, after trying roaches and worms from many different sources, we realized that not all feeders are created equal nutritionally. Wanting the best for our girl and with a background in biology, we soon began to breed our very own roaches to meet our standards for high quality and to satisfy Daisy’s never-ending appetite. Now Daisy is a very healthy and slightly plump girl and since she is the one that inspired this business, we decided to use her image on our store logo. Right now we want to share our roaches with the rest of the pet owners out there, so their pets can also enjoy the crunchy and delicious bugs our Daisy enjoys daily.

Here is a photo of Daisy at 1-year old peeking out of a shirt:

Daisy peeking out: